Feedback of Infinity

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From [∧][∨] On [∧][∨] RoleFeedback Comment
krizby 29/11/12 seller negative
rion 23/12/13 buyer positive Thanks for buying my X-FI sound card.
arezkoh 07/06/14 trade positive thnx for the fast trade bro .. no hassle and good to deal with .. ty
bibang 15/07/14 buyer positive Thank you for trusting us sir..
God bless you always...
rchard 30/11/14 trade positive thanks you boss.. way libog nga tao..
michael1988 17/12/14 seller positive thank you sa items boss.recommended seller
EboyMe 22/12/14 seller positive dali ra ka storya og sobra pas on time mo abot..recommended buyer...salamat bossing
GGWP21 02/01/16 trade positive Tnx for a hassle free and smooth trade sir.. RECOMMENDED SELLER/TRADER.
jeepong 22/04/16 buyer positive sir salamat sa cm aeon... hamis pa kaau ang unit.. walay libog nga tao saboton.. highly recommended.. thumbs up!!

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