Feedback of Cham

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From [∧][∨] On [∧][∨] RoleFeedback Comment
Tabudol 18/02/12 seller positive recommended seller
nantox 11/09/13 trade positive okay ka deal nga tao...salamat sunod napod...walay libog...masaligan.....
japoy 07/09/13 seller positive recommended seller..
nice nga tao..sayon ra kaayo istoryahon.
salamat sa bundle bro.. hoping for more deals to come!!
doc_imer 01/11/13 seller positive Fast and easy transaction on the Lian-Li V355 casing. Thanks Bro!
AcidBurn2096 14/01/12 seller positive thanx for buying my Sapphire HD6870.. so easy toe deal with. Had a fast and hassle free transaction with this guy. Dont hesitate to deal with him.
Ace 19/02/12 buyer positive Thanks for buying 1pc Deepcool Z3 Thermal Paste. Till our next transaction sir!

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