Feedback of spiTFire

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From [∧][∨] On [∧][∨] RoleFeedback Comment
JUZSKEN 09/08/12 buyer positive hi bro, saLamat sa pagpaLit sa akong heart ..hahahaahahahahaahaahahaahhaha
ryanvalles3 01/07/12 buyer positive Its been nice to transact this person..maski layo iyang area there's always a way to purchase your item..Recommended buyer walay hasol walay libog kasabot..keep it up..bro thumbs up!!!
triske1968 06/03/12 buyer positive bro salamat sa pag palit sa kong wimax..nice deal with your brother :)
kidjoy 09/07/11 buyer positive nice buyer...on time pa...pag interisado cya sa item mopalit daun...

daghan salamat sa pag palit sa ako Procie bro...
smartbuyer85 28/04/11 buyer positive No problem dealing with him... Till our next transaction. Thanks!

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