Feedback of kersh900

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Zimang 27/11/13 seller positive Bro salamat sa imo Bm625. OK pa kaau. Recommended seller ni. Sayon ka deal. Buotan
pajud ug accomodating kaau.
November 01/11/14 seller positive Ok kaayo nga seller.2 thumps up.salamat kaayo sa item....till nxt time.
micdansan 17/07/14 seller positive Ok kaau emo modem migo... tnx kau... trusted and walay libog na tao! Two Thumbs UP!
gattaca_anton 15/11/13 seller positive
freakajong1 30/11/13 seller positive nice ka deal.. pa hangyo pa gyd... way libog na tao.. txt nko sya after an hour abot na dayon sya.. ok iyang unit

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