Feedback of eisemheim90

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From [∧][∨] On [∧][∨] RoleFeedback Comment
neon191 02/09/13 seller positive tnx sa transaction pre, naka hangyu pajud.. Chuy og kaaug sakyanan :D
shinzo 21/12/12 seller positive Thanks bro for selling your item. Item is nice and in the same condition as the seller says it to be. Walay hassle kasabot ug di ka dali dali-on pag check sa item. Recommended Seller! :)
Aldz 14/05/12 seller positive The kind of seller i would like to talk to and work with, very patient, very flexible, effortless to deal with and having a convincingly guaranteed legitimate product ( thanks for the comely bag). Let's get the bags rollin..lolz
sonn22 08/05/12 seller positive tnx sa bag

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