Feedback of marbintorres

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From [∧][∨] On [∧][∨] RoleFeedback Comment
rion 11/09/13 buyer positive Thanks for buying my Team Xtreem DDR2-1066 Rams sir.
masterpinocchio 21/09/15 buyer positive aksyon agad, wlai libog masinabtanon ug gwapo pajud. LOL... ikaw na boss marvz!

thanx 4 buying my item boss... sa sunod nasad..

jeproxs 11/04/14 buyer positive
dovalz 16/07/15 buyer positive Trusted Seller and Buyer ni c Boss Marvin. Smooth and Hassle free transaction. Thanks!
DaikiDesu 11/06/14 buyer positive Salamat boss sa pag palit :) boutan sab kaayu ni, i.accomodate jud ka. +rep ko aning taohana ni! Have fun boss
Akatsuki93 01/03/16 buyer positive Salamat boss sa pag palit sa FORCE FEEDBACK :D
walay libog na tao. libre pa gyud sundo ug hatod hehe(BATMAN). til next time boss.
09058018370 07/02/16 buyer positive y libog ka deal.. thanks for the trust. til next transaction.. :D

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