Feedback of jsph

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snip07 20/04/11 buyer positive Ayos ka deal si joseph. Till next time!
scarface 06/04/11 buyer positive Good Person..Very Nice to Transact Business With..Not to mention Approachable and Accomodating person..Thumbs up Indeed!!
Red28 01/04/11 buyer positive Met him twice..ok xa ka sturya..ok pud ka-deal.. till next time...
princeTamTam08 01/01/12 buyer positive Sir Jo! Happy New Year! Thanks a lot sa imo positive feedback! Thanks a lot for purchasing one of my "BEATS TOUR SOFTBOX" Hassle free transaction. Nice buyer & a nice person to deal with. Don't hesitate to deal with this guy! Thanks a lot again sir. Hope to do business to you again^^
BloodMist 27/12/10 buyer positive thnx for buying my e63,, buotan nga tao.. dali ra ka deal.. kagay.anon jud! xD ke buotan man.. :D till the next time we transact.

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