Feedback of bigheart22

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From [∧][∨] On [∧][∨] RoleFeedback Comment
joevic21 11/05/16 buyer positive boss sorry late feedback, ako d.i 2 nag baligya ug 931 saimu didto gaisano overpass. thanks. good buyer. :)
leolagrimas 06/04/16 buyer positive trusted buyer 4 thumbs up.till nxt deal mego.
terrenzjann23 30/12/15 seller positive thanks..
nice transaction.
N.Vision 02/08/15 buyer positive Salamat sa pag palit sako Monitor bossing..paspas na transaction..
Hassle free...
Good deaal..
matum 13/10/14 trade positive Ok ang unit, Taas ang signal Thanks a lot bigheart!!
t2boy 07/08/14 trade positive thanks sa hassle free sunod.
Matsboy 12/02/14 seller positive Boss salamat sa imo item. Bag o pa kaau. Recommended seller, dali ra kaau ka deal. Walay
kuskus balongos.

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